Friday, 4 April 2014

My Plans for the Easter Break

It is great to think we have 2 week off, it is so difficult juggling work and family life and we are all so busy all the time so some things just never get done!!

So here’s my Easter wish list, lets see what I actually get done. 

1. Completely empty, and clean out the toy cupboard. Every-time I open the door to do this, I take one look and close the door again I just can't face it, I am going to dedicate a day to doing this.

2. Visit Billy Bobs at The Yorkshire Dales, Ice Cream Parlour. The Boys love it here so I can have a coffee whilst they climb and swing to their hearts content.

3. Make Minion cup cakes, I have wanted to make these for ages.

4. Tidy out my wardrobe, it is full to bursting and desperately needs a total clear out.

5. Catch up with friends.

6. Lots of walks.

7. Have a movie day with the boys; they love movie days where we all get to chill as it very rarely happens. They love knowing they haven't got to go anywhere for a whole day.

Hopefully I will achieve at least some of these.

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