Monday, 16 June 2014

100 Happy Days, Day 84, My Shadow.

For today I have chosen this picture of  the shadows Toby and I cast as we were on our walk today. Firstly and most obviously, because you only get them when the sun is out. That makes then quite precious doesn't it? 

And secondly we call Toby my shadow at home; if he is in the house, he is always one step behind me. Sometimes he is so close he trips me up. In fact some mornings when I wake up he is sat next to the bed watching me, waiting for me to wake up. So here are me and my shadows, shadows. 


  1. Lovely post. I sometimes feel like my little girl is my shadow, but I wouldn't have it any other way x

    1. Thank you, Yes it is kind of nice having them there all the time, although if he ever stays at my mother-in-laws when we are away, I feel like I have lost something. x


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