Friday, 18 July 2014

Inspirational Head Teacher or Magic Weaver

I was completely bowled over by this letter a friend shared on Facebook this week. It was a letter written by the head-teacher Rachel Tomlinson, from Barrowford Primary School. A Mum had shared the letter; as a result the letter has gone viral and put the school into the headlights of the media.

So what is it about this letter that has created such a fuss? At another local school, a governor has issued a statement to their School; outlining that this is exactly the ethos their school runs on. Although they haven't put it in the letter to the children, the school is a caring environment where Christian and social values are important. And yes I 100% agree with this, the school in question is a wonderful caring school that has a heart; you can see the children feel that. The difference is Rachel Tomlinson did not just assume the children knew this, she shouted from the rooftops ALL MY CHILDREN ARE WONDERFUL. 

And whom has this reached? The world. How must those children feel, the letter would have made them feel so special, but now the world knows how great they are, they must be walking on air?

A couple of years ago I attended a seminar by the wonderful Sir John Jones, it one of the most inspirational speeches I have ever heard. Sir John talked about there being several types of teachers, I cant remember them all but the one I can remember, that has always stuck with me.  Is The Magic Weaver, I remember when he talked about this thinking, wow; I want to always be a magic weaver. Someone who makes a difference, remembers all the students names and at least one fact about each student. Making them feel special, and part of something. A teacher that student will remember for the rest of their lives. 

I strongly believe, and have observed in my years as a teacher; you can have the best A grade student, but if the teacher does not reach then emotionally, motivate them, and make the student want to achieve, the student will not reach their full potential. Being a teacher is an honour, and a huge responsibility, yes we are bogged down by inspections, paperwork and firefighting issues. However this wonderful letter outlines what is important, inspiring young people, the future of our country. 

Rachel Tomlinson, in my opinion, and I don't think anybody in their right mind would disagree. This amazing letter gives you Magic Weaver status. As a teacher it is inspirational, as a parent it is more than that, it is the faith in wonderful people like you that are safeguarding our children's futures.


  1. What a lovely phrase - magic weaver. I would love to be one of those. Teachers in my view should always have a true vocation for it and not just be doing a job. Individual teachers who believe in individual children can move mountains for sure.

    1. Thanks Kate, this lady sent that letter to make children feel good , what an amazing act of kindness x

  2. This made post and letter made me feel so happy. It pretty much sums up exactly how I try to raise my children. By telling them that it is important to try their best at academics but there are so many factors in what makes them so very special and unique. It's amazing to know that there are teachers that feel the same way and care about the children individually. I am so glad I have read this xxx Thanks Sarah xxx

    1. Thanks Maria, and yes it really gives you faith doesn't it x


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