Saturday, 20 September 2014

Q Hotels are Looking For A Family Ambassador

When I saw the opportunity to enter to become the Q Hotel Family Ambassador I knew it was mission the Christie family could take on; you see we have several points of view to report from as hotel ambassadors.

The Parent point of View, clearly this is vital, as us parents pay the bill.  And we are looking for luxury surrounding where we can relax, we love showing the Boys something new and different, so like being near to a town, city or concert venue that we can explore. The opportunity to play golf, as the whole family does enjoy the odd round of golf. Or great country walks where we can take in the scenery and enjoy a family walk.

Somewhere to eat a nice meal, it is great visiting a hotel with a restaurant as it means we can enjoy a glass of wine and a meal without worrying about who is going to drive back. Hygiene and customer services are high on my list ands something I look for everywhere I visit, great service is something I share, as it really is something to be celebrated, and would influence me when choosing a hotel. Recommendation is so important, and generally if a friend recommends a venue I trust them.

The teen point of view, this is a tricky one. Somewhere that is clean and smartly decorated seems to motivate teens. I don't know about other teens but Jack became brand aware when clothes shopping a year or two ago. This now is seeping to all aspects of life, he likes a smart location, yet would sell his soul for a hot chocolate with marshmallows on the top. This can make or break a hotel bar in Jacks opinion. And Wi-Fi is definitely the deal-breaker, he must be able to access the Fifa website at all times to check his dream team, converse with friends and listen to music through his earphones.

Joe is a sucker for a kids activity pack and will not stop until he has coloured every page in, completed every quiz and used every colour of pencil. He likes a hotel with a pool, he doesn't want to spend hours in there, just want a quick swim and splash about. And loves to be out and about so location is a real big thing. Again Wi-Fi so he can play on his iPad.

 I have enlisted Jack and Joe to help me with the Quackers’ Kids pack and they have given me some great ideas. Some things that teens consider a basic human right, and some that creates a bit of mystery and adventure. 

The Christie Family Propose the Quackers family is reinvented to give them a sense of history and link a different Quakers family member to each different hotel venue.  For example Lucy Quacker who lives at the Stratford Hotel could be the ancestor of Williams Shakespeare's duck, or the first ever duck to swim on the River Avon. 

To coincide with this the kids pack would contain a small plush Lucy. A rolled up colourful Map with stickers for the owner to stick on the location of the hotel they are staying. This map would also feature the other Q Family Friendly Hotels and a short biopic of which Duck lives at each hotel, which they can collect when they visit the hotel. 

The map could be added to the Hotel website in a special kids area this could be set up to require a password, when a child visits a hotel they receive a code to unlock a game that is linked to that location, or just check a tick box to highlight they have stayed at that hotel, and collected that duck, the opportunities with this are endless. 

I think the colouring pens and activity book should stay as Joe does love colouring in his activity book, but it could be related to the Quackers History. Thus creating a whole Duck family treasure hunt across the country. 

The Colouring flag could be the Family coat of Arms for that Hotel, or a blank flag that is a monthly competition to design a coat of arms. 

The letter to Mum and Dad could stay, but offer £10.00 off a romantic one night stay, or £20.00 off a family two night stay, as Mum and Dad could very well consider visiting the Manchester Christmas Markets or spend a Summers Evening in Stratford and probably wouldn't get childcare for two nights.  However the 2-night voucher is great for taking the whole family away. 

A Voucher for £1.00 off a hot chocolate with marshmallows, or milkshake, what child or teen would not love this.

And finally a secret message with the Wi-Fi code for the children to access the Internet and on-line Map. This would also keep the teens happy and able to keep in touch with the world.

So there are our ideas for the all-new re-invented Quackers Pack. Hope you like it, and I hope this time next year children are tripping around the UK in hunt of all the Quackers family members and exploring the History of their ancestors.

And why do I think we would make good family ambassadors? The Christies' like an adventure, we are always off somewhere new and like to explore and investigate new areas.  We all have different priorities when judging a hotel so are able to give a broad review from what are the spa facilities like (This would be a difficult area to investigate but someone has to do it, so I will make the sacrifice and offer), to location, room standards, customer service right down to the important kid and teen stuff like the temperature of the pool and quality of the hot chocolate and accessibility of Wi-Fi. 

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