Monday, 20 October 2014

Striking Mums , Style For Mums

This week the lovely Kate has set the topic Style for Mums
This is a great subject, and a very individual one. For me it was never an option to not wear make-up of do my hair purely down to my profession. 
As a hairdresser you are expected to have your hair nicely styled, wear make-up and dress well, its part of the job description. 

I am a bit of a jeans girl; I just dress them up with nice tops and jackets. But I absolutely love dressing up. I love cruising for this reason. I love the glamour of it.

1. Would you describe yourself as stylish? Has your answer to that question changed since becoming a mum?
I think I have my own individual style, I am not sure whether that is stylish or not it is just me. Its funny though one of my friends was shopping last year with her son and he picked up a top and said thats a Sarah top. My Mother and sister in law do that too. So I must have a certain look.
2. Describe a stylish  outfit you wear/wore and loved.
I bought a beautiful tangerine coloured lace skirt and top from Coast this summer, I loved it, but never got my photo in it. Think I need a trip to the races to wear it again.

3. How important is it to have an individual sense of style as mum?
I think its whatever makes you happy and comfortable, we all have such different priorities. Some Mums just don't have the time, some have no confidence in themselves, I have a friend that is so unique and dresses so differently but always looks fabulous. Some days she wears a cowboy hat, but do you know what she totally rocks it. 

4. Are you ever embarrassed about how you look when you are out and about?
Last week I rushed in from work and had to walk Toby, I had my work dress on with my Purple wellies, a furry deerstalker hat and a puffa jacket. It was going dark, where we live there is no lights or pavement so you can't walk out in the dark, its not safe. With this in mind my priority was getting Toby out for a walk before it got dark, I didn't have time to think about my appearance but I looked a total geek. Unlucky for me one my friend’s daughters stopped her car to talk to me. But do you know what at if my Puppy needs a walk he comes before style. And it was nice to chat to Lindsay too.

5. Do you judge people by the clothes they are wearing? Do you feel judged?
This week I am ashamed to say I did judge someone, it was a lady that was incredibly well dressed, groomed, and very pretty.  I just thought she would be quite standoffish and obnoxious, however when I got talking to her she was the sweetest person, who really went out of her way to help me. I felt so ashamed of myself afterwards for thinking she would be anything but lovely.  This proved it is what is inside what counts not the decoration. I never usually judge, so this taught me a huge lesson. Every time I think of it I get mad at myself.

6. Does having a sense of style all of your own help with self-confidence?
I think being myself helps with my confidence, I understand I can't get on with everyone, some people judge me because I appear over confident. 
I have learnt with age that if I don't like me no one else will, and I can't change how others feel about me so there is no point worrying about it. I am lucky to have amazing family and friends that make me feel confident about myself.

7.. A challenge – put together an Autumn outfit and post a picture of you in it on your blog. If that is too much, you could just photograph the items in the outfit. You can use things you already have or throw caution to the wind and go on a shopping spree.

I recently made this next wish list; I think this is my current style crush so I will go with that.
So that's it for striking Mums this week, we are all different and we should embrace that. Never ever judge a book by its cover, as I have learnt this week it is a big big mistake.


  1. I love that autumn outfit you put together! Unfortunately it wouldn't suit me, I look crap in jeans of any kind! You're right, we are all different, I love that you embrace that xx

  2. Would have loved to see some photos of your style, it sounds really interesting x

    1. Ah thank you but trust me its quite plain really x

  3. that bit about being happy and comfortable is so important. Your tangerine skirt and top sound great and i love the mood board you've put together with your autumn outfit. #strikingmums

  4. From what I can remember, I sensed a great sense of colour and smartness in you. But mainly I noticed your eyes and smile. I do like the sound of your cowboy hat friend. Cruises and races sound like a lot of fun. You make wish lists too! I have so much to learn from you and I still find you enigmatic

    1. Ha ha thanks Kate what a lovely thing to say, Do you know I love colour I very rarely wear black x


Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I love to read them and will always reply to any questions, Many Thanks Sarah x