Thursday, 24 July 2014

Calf Diet Week 13

Whoah , I actually can-not believe I have lost .5lb this week. Why? We went to a wedding at the weekend.  It was beautiful. But involved a 2-night hotel stay, 2 nights eating out and copious amounts of wine and champagne. 

I know I harp on about making the right choices, but when we ate in the hotel restaurant on Friday night I was so close to ordering a burger, the problem is you have no idea how they are cooked, are they fresh beef or frozen burgers ughhh. So right at the last minute I changed to salad. I could see the waitress, although she was very polite was on the verge of hitting me with her notebook. But at that point I felt like I couldn't face another salad. I don't know why because I love salad. Thank goodness the angel on my shoulder made me say salad right at the last minute. I just goes to show, the right choices do help. 

However I am no angel as I did drink quite a few glasses of wine, but did substitute lemonade for soda, as pubs and restaurants rarely serve diet lemonade. 

On Saturday the starter and the main meal was healthy, but pudding was Eton mess. Oh it was just delicious and when it was in front of me in a lovely china tea cup, there was no way I had the willpower to push it away. Then there was all the wine and champagne. The rest of the week I stuck to the calf diet, but two days is a large chunk to not follow 100%

So when I stood on the scales I braced myself, I actually got off and back on again when I saw the 2. I still stand by my resolve that I just want to maintain for the next 2 weeks. But what a great start. Lets hope I am not throwing the scales out the window on my next weigh in.


Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I love to read them and will always reply to any questions, Many Thanks Sarah x