Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Countryfile Calendar

We all really enjoy Countryfile in the Christie household, it is something we all sit down to watch. Joe especially, he loves wildlife, insects and animals. In fact I would not be surprised if he one day becomes a farmer, last year he won a competition to spend a day on a farm and he absolutely loved it. 

This is another of the pictures we took on our walk.

Joe noticed on Sunday night whilst were watching Countryfile, that they were running the competition for the 2015 calendar. He was so excited; he was so cross at me last year when we missed the deadline. He really believes we are in with a chance of winning! Fortunately we had recently had a walk through the fields and taken lots of photos. All we had to do was decide which one to send in. 

This is another of the pictures we took on our walk.

So after some time conferring, Joe and I chose a photo of a lamb and one of some geese. Then last night as Joe and I were watching T.V together, Joe asked if I had printed our photos yet. I told him not to worry we would sort next week. He looked at me with sheer panic, “but the closing date is Friday the 25th”. Mmm he was taking this very seriously, when I checked he was right. 

So today I went to a local supermarket to get our chosen photos printed. But argh the machine was broken. I thought of Joe's little face, how disappointed he would be.  I had to find somewhere to print these pictures. Luckily I found a local photography shop where the owner was so helpful and helped me get my photos off my photo-stream of my phone, and onto a Kodak machine so I could print them.

Once I had collected Joe from school we prepared our photos for posting, but then discovered we had no stamps. These photos had to be posted yesterday in order for them to arrive on time; I could see Joe’s frustration. I rang Chris who came to the rescue and collected some on his way home. 

Thank goodness we finally posted our photos at 5pm, by now they will be on their way to the BBC. Why did I put so much time and effort into this? Joe is passionate about our picture being in the Countryfile calendar, I so want him to grow up having self-belief, to be willing to put himself forward in life. And never be afraid to try for fear of failure. Well done Joe you decided you wanted us to enter this competition, you wouldn't take no for an answer and ensured you saw it though to the end, I am very proud of you.


  1. Fingers crossed we see one of the photo's in the final calendar! Good luck! We love watching CountryFile too! #countrykids

    1. Ah Thankyou,that would be amazing, it's a great show isn't it x

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Hi Kim I deleted your comment by mistake😣, stupid phone! Thankyou for you comments on my photos ,x

  3. Bless Joe, I'm glad you managed to get them posted in the end - fingers crossed that they get picked. Thanks for linking up and sharing with Country Kids.

    1. Thank you Fiona yes fingers grossed although we are probably up against some heavyweight photographers x

  4. I love that chicken photo, the pose is fab. Good luck getting picked

  5. Goodluck! I was thinking if things gets hard and there are lots of challenges do you take a back seat or you work harder and not give up? What you did is awesome not giving up and showing your son that there's always a way! I really do hope you get chosen for this comp =) #countrykids

    1. Ah Thankyou, I hope we do Joe would be over the moon x


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