Saturday, 5 July 2014

Ten Ways NOT to Deal With A Hypo! And I Have Done Them All!

Learning how to deal with Type 1 Diabetes is a real learning curve, one that I am still on. I have made some silly mistakes. Some, on reflection, absolutely ridiculous mistakes. But as I am totally comfortable with my non-perfectness. I am willing to share them so others can learn from my mistakes. 

However when you start reading, I know you will think; No-one is that stupid, or as if you would do that? It's amazing what you do in panic mode.  

So here goes, don't judge me or call child-line, I do genuinely do my best and most days do very well. 
But here are my; Top 10 mistakes, when dealing with hypo's

1.    When a loved one is having a Hypo in the car, do not leave the car in the middle of the road with you hypoing child in it. Whilst you run in total panic into the village shop.

2.    Do not throw your purse at the shop assistant, say I will be back in a minute grab a Mars bar and run out.(I think I scared the living daylights out of the Man in the shop)

3.    Food is not the best thing for Hypos, so mars bars don't really help. Get lucozade or full fat coke.

4.    Don't get offended if the person in the Hypo is rude to you. They cant help it, being stroppy is definitely a sign that Jacks sugar levels are dropping. It is better to test his sugar, rather than to argue back. 

5.    Don't open the front door to the Tesco delivery man and franticly scream; have you got any lucozade on that van (Again on this occasion, I do believe I frightened the living daylights out of this man.)

6.    Don't administer a whole bottle of lucozade or glucogel, do it a bit at a time and test at intervals, this way you won't send them into a Hyper State.

7.    Whilst waiting for sugar levels to rise, DO NOT dance around the lounge singing Viva Las Vegas, god only knows why I did it. Of course it didn't help, I cant even sing.

8.    Don't keep asking them if they feel ok, no they don't, they feel rubbish, and at this stage you are probably doing their head in.

9.    Don't panic  I have learnt with experience to keep calm, it is so important to have a level head to deal with it quickly and effectively.

10.   Don't go out without a supply of snacks and energy drinks, this way a hypo will be totally avoided.

      There you have it, Sarah's survival guide, on how not to deal with Hypos. Don't get me wrong I have had all the best medical support on offer, but as a human you make mistakes! Those were mine, thankfully I have learnt from then so shop assistance and delivery drivers everywhere are now safe.

      I am happy to say and very lucky; that have a very well balanced Teenager who copes with diabetes just brilliantly.


  1. This is brilliant sarah, funny and very helpful.


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