Friday, 22 August 2014

Pendle Tractor Run

On Saturday night more than 100 farm vehicles took part in this year’s sixth annual Pendle Charity Tractor Run, which celebrates the life of local farmer Andrew Nutter.

Andrew who farmed Sabden Old Hall Farm with brother Brian and mum Ruth, died of cancer in 2009 aged just 40. The tractor run is held in his memory and the proceeds donated to cancer charities, this year proceeds will be divided between the chemotherapy unit at Blackburn Royal Hospital and Rosemere Cancer Foundation, which fund-raises to bring world class cancer care to patients from throughout Lancashire.

It is something you really need to see to believe, and is worth traveling to see.  It has become a family tradition to watch the tractor run, and one that the boys really look forward to. It consists of all types of farm vehicles new and old, some vintage. Local farmers really get into the sprit; even putting tailors onto the back of huge tractors and combine harvesters, which they decorate and fill with their families, children and pets. 

The atmosphere is amazing with all participants waving and honking their horns as they drive past. It demonstrates the real sense of community we enjoy living in the Pendleside villages. I mean how many areas get in excess of 100 tractors drive past their house as part of a 4-5 hour charity run once a year.

I have added some photos; if you look close you can see tractors stretching back into the distance. It is so great to watch and feel involved as you wave at everyone passing by and even better as it is raising money for such a wonderful cause. This really is a wonderful display that is every little budding farmers dream come true. 


  1. It's so great that the kids get to watch this procession, especially as it's for such a good cause. Thanks for linking up with Country Kids

  2. Oh my gosh, my youngest would absolutely LOVE this! He is obsessed with all things tractor. Glad you had a great time and a wonderful event for a great cause x

  3. Awww my sonowuld've love to see this as he loves big vehicles =) #countrykids

  4. That's a wonderful idea for a great cause.


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