Wednesday, 13 August 2014

The Christie's; Mad Memory Makers

When I read the Center Parcs August challenge it really got me thinking about how we record our memories as a family. And do you know what? The list is endless; it appears I have an obsession with recording memories. These obsessions have worn off on Chris and the Boys and we all are constantly recording memories without even realising it. The beauty of this is that we have almost every event or holiday in our lives indexed in some form or another. The Boys love looking back at memories and laughing and chatting about them. 

Joe recording our activities at Center Parcs

Saying that, we are a very live for today and plan for tomorrow type of family, always looking towards and planning our next adventure. But there has to be a place in everyone’s lives for happy memories. And as the saying goes, you might always know where you are going, but it is important to remember where you came from too.

So here goes; some of the ways we document our lives. I was inspired by scrapbooking in Steph’s tips on the Center Parks blog, as scrapbooking is something I loves and the Boys have always been very involved in helping with this.

 It is important to take lots of photos wherever you go, I love the fact that my photos back up to your I Cloud on apple devices, if I ever lost my phone I would be more upset about my photos than anything else. With the I Cloud I can relax knowing my photos are backed up. I also back up to snap fish just in case.

Scrapbooking, below I have added an example of a Center Parks page the Boys and I made, we document almost every holiday like this. It is fun and we can all get involved. I love the fact that we can look back at these pages and remember the moment. Plus it is a great way to express our creativity.

Center Parcs Scrap Page

Photo Books, I am obsessed with photos, I love photo books as rather than ordering 150 photos from a holiday you can just organise them all in a hardback book, it keeps them together and looking fresh. They are lovely keepsakes to look back on.

Photo Wall, Ha ha I told you I am photo mad. This is a wall we have all created together, no people are allowed on the wall only places. We always look for a wall shot on every holiday, what I love about this wall is that we have all taken photos that feature, and each picture takes us right back to a specific memory, a window into a moment in time. 

Pebbles, Shells and Pine cones, Jack collected our very first pine cone 9 years ago at Center Parcs and the boys have collected them ever since. 

Then they started to collect pebbles and shells on the beach. Every time we go on holiday they choose one pebble, shell or pine cone to put in the jar. These jars represent years of family holidays and memories. 

So there you have it, us Christies love our memories but what we love more is planning our next big adventure to make more memories.
This is my entry to the Center Parcs and Tots 100 August challenge. If I’m chosen, I would like to visit Whinfell Forest

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