Monday, 22 September 2014

Striking Mums, Keeping Mum

This week for Striking Mums the lovely Kate has set the topic, Its time to stop keeping Mum. I have thought long and hard about this post, how to respond to Kate's question. You see I have no problem at all using my voice in day-to-day life, at times it is more of a hindrance, and I would happily gag myself. I think I live in a bubble where I expect everyone to be honest and fair and when I find that some people aren't I find it so hard to keep my big mouth shut. I wish I could just smile and walk away. 

So onto Kate's questions but please don’t fall out with me, I am so soft at heart just at times a little too honest. But there is no point taking part in these posts and being dishonest, it’s just not me I can't be something I am not.

1. Have you lost your voice? When and how did that happen?

No but at times I really wish I would, it gets me in trouble all the time. I hate to see people treating others unfairly, or people that have an agenda it makes me so cross. Although I am getting better and stepping back and thinking before I speak, sometimes!

2. How do you use your voice? Are you using it for yourself, your family and/or a good cause?

I tend to use it to object to injustice, and dishonesty. I care deeply about the people around me. I would never hurt any one but if someone tries to hurt someone I love, or does something I feel is unfair I speak out. On the plus side if I think a something is great I sing it from the rooftops, this I have found is a huge bonus when blogging.

 I also try to write about type 1 diabetes as often as I can, I want to share our positive experience of managing this condition, I just hope it helps others in some way.

3. Is there anyone in your life who would prefer you to stay quiet? Why would they want that to happen?

Yes probably my Husband Chris although he does support me as he knows I am honest and genuine and don't have an agenda. 

4. Whose voice do you miss most and why?

My Nan and Granddad, I think I am like them both; they too were people who spoke with their hearts, not their heads.

5. What do you need to speak up about? Who to? What support do you need to help you do that?

If you had asked me last year I would have said I am desperate to start a blog but am too scared, worried of being laughed at and judged. I am so happy I took the plunge as writing makes me so happy. It is like a kind for therapy, if that makes sense? 

I would like to speak more about diabetes, I spoke to a Mum recently that was living through a new diagnosis, I forgot how hard that time is emotionally. It would be nice for people to be able to read our story and know there is hope, things will get better.

6. Is your inner voice helping or hindering you?

I think it has hindered me, I see myself like marmite, people either love me or feel a bit intimidated. I think I come across as very confident, but it is an act, in new situations I feel like jelly inside, I just hide it well. But now I have my blog I am able to use my inner voice in a positive way, I love looking at an object and finding a story behind it. And every thing has a story behind it, even every day objects such a piece of paper and a pen, I find it so exciting. 

So that’s me warts n all, a big softy with a big mouth ha ha. Doesn’t sound that good in text does it. But I would do anything to help someone. I am a very loyal person. What I need to learn is I just can’t take every one else’s problems to heart. And use my voice for writing about the great and wonderful in my life and how living with diabetes doesn't have to be bad.

Kate on thin Ice Striking Mums


  1. Really interesting post. and thank you for linking up to Striking Mums. It might be worth taking advice from @DownsSideUp who does such a good job on raising awareness of the reality of Down's Syndrome or taking a good look at her blog. It might also be worth you blogging and then alerting the relevant diabetes charities and publications. We need your voice just the way it is - you miss your grandparents and say your voice is their legacy so you must use it. I think you come across wonderfully by the way.

    1. Thank you Kate I will do that as it is so important to make people aware x

  2. Don't let anyone tell you not to speak out against what you think is wrong :) I enjoyed reading your take on this challenge!

  3. Well done Sarah I think it's great that you speak out, you sound like my kind of person, have a fab week x x

  4. I can relate to this - I tend to speak out about injustice too, and I love twitter for exactly that reason!

  5. I'm the opposite to you, in person I imagine I'd feel the intimidation and over confidence you describe because I am very much quiet I do find it hard to speak up and even when I should I tend to not speak up and feel bad about that. I can tell you're a lovely person rom how you write :) x

    1. ah thanks Hannah, well if we ever meet you now know its an act i feel like you inside xxx


Thank you so much for leaving a comment, I love to read them and will always reply to any questions, Many Thanks Sarah x