Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Is Achieving Domestic Goddess Status Actually Possible?

So exactly how do they do it? Achieve that all round perfection, something I strive to every day, but I never quite make it. There is always an issue, a broken glass, spillage, burnt dinner or forgotten work emails.

Multi tasking has never been my strong point; don't get me wrong I try to juggle as many balls in the air as possible. Sometimes I get it right, but I am my own worst enemy for being soft, agreeing to work extra hours, double booking arrangements and not putting it in my diary.

I don't even feel like I am asking much. I just want my hair and make-up to look amazing whilst I graciously help the boys with their homework and effortlessly rustle up an amazing meal, in a perfectly tidy home. After all that’s what we grow up seeing on the TV and in magazines isn't it? To be an amazing multi tasking superwoman, some one who effortlessly bakes cookies on her beautiful AGA cooker.

So, what exactly is my reality of domestic perfection? Well for starters I haven't got an AGA, I blame my not being a fully-fledged domestic goddess purely on this fact. Every domestic goddesses kitchen simply must have one; surely?

I don’t score too badly on the hair front, I have to keep on top of it as part of my job so failure in this department would be a failure of epic proportion, a failure that I could not afford to make. But my makeup could be more goddess like, I always start off with lipstick in the morning but god only knows what happens to it, I need to be much more vigilant in the lipstick department. 

Cooking is very hit and miss, I am a great cook if there is no one else in the kitchen. I can cook when I concentrate, and all the recipes I blog I have made myself. But put the Boys, Chris and the Dog in the kitchen, or on some occasions in the house, and my concentration goes right out of the window. Last year I decided to make a ginger bread house for my work Secret Santa. I decided to get up early to make the dough; I set my alarm for 6.30am on Saturday morning thinking I would bake in peace. The problem was I had a bit of a hangover, thus no concentration and made my dough with curry powder instead of ginger, clearly it was disgusting, and I had to start from scratch with the boys offering help and advice.

Then there is cleaning, I start with good intentions. But half way through, I get a post idea, or an email, and I get sidetracked. So what should take half a day takes all day. 

Don't get me wrong, I get help around the house, I am not expected to do it all, far from it. But that image I have in my head of being a calm collected domestic goddess, for me, no one else. Alongside being a professional working woman, is proving a difficult concept to perfect. 

I think to fully achieve this I just need a few things. Firstly an AGA cooker, yes I know it won't cook for me, but I will just feel better knowing it is there. A cleaner, I hate cleaning; I do not find it therapeutic, it is just a task that takes me away from family and blogging time. And lastly, I would like just a few more hours in each day. Not too much to ask is it?


  1. As I read this on my phone, I am sitting on the floor in front of the washing machine (because I should be putting a wash on!) with rained on hair, still waiting to be dried (from a miserable school run!) and every now and again glancing at the breakfast dishes waiting to be cleaned. I should not be reading blogs right now, oh well... I'm right there with you, I'm never going to be a Domestic Goddess sadly xxx

  2. Ha ha Maria we are exactly the same xx

  3. he he I am a terrible domestic goddess. Again in peace and quiet I think I am pretty good, bt when do we ever get that! #sundaystars

  4. agh when the cleaners finished send her over to me please!! #sundaystars

  5. Not too much to ask at all!!! I am very much like this too - and if I'm ever busying myself at home with all the horrible housework - invariably I've not even got up and dressed properly - or svn brushed my teeth! That's exactly the time too when the postman rings at the door and I answer it with no makeup, stinky breath and mostly no bra either!! Not too goddess-like either really - so I'm right there with you honey!!! xxxx Steph

    1. Ha ha Steph, do you know I am terrible for getting dressed at the weekend, i tend to potter about for ages unless I have to go out x

  6. I'm with you. Now that I am back at work, I have seriously considered employing someone to come and do a big clean once a month and someone to come once a week and so the ironing.
    I don't know how some people so it... my major downfall is my make up too! It just seems to be the thing that is least missed... at least I don't have to look at myself?! LOL.

    1. Yes I so need someone to clean for me so I can concentrate on other things Katie x

  7. Ha ha yeah I'd be the perfect wife and blogger if we had a cleaner come in twice a week and maybe a nanny a day or two a week. Unfortunately, he'll have to make do with me and my blogging obsession, which means nothing gets ironed and the vacuuming is not as frequent as it should be.



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